Thursday, June 23, 2011

Scary Halloween Classroom Games

Most children love all things Halloween. As adults, we assume it's because Halloween means candy and children generally love candy. But many children love more than just the abundance of candy at Halloween time. They really get into the ghoulish aspect of the holiday and delight in the displays of goopy brains and squishy body parts.

Halloween games, therefore, can be really fun and goopy, if you wish. The kids will go with it, don't worry.

First up, a brain game. There's a fun game on store shelves where you pick through a rubber "brain" to figure out what's in it. You can create this easily yourself. Make some jello and fill it with a variety of items, like gummy worms and other gummy candies, some small candy and trinkets and other items. Tell the children to root around in the bowl of jello (call it a "brain" if this will get the kids more interested) to figure out what's in it. It's goopy and messy and kids love it. Best yet, color the jello black so it's too dark to see what's inside and it looks more like goopy brain matter (the way kids see it, anyway).

In that same, or similar vein, kids love the spaghetti game. Be sure they are wearing a smock over their clothes or are wearing play clothes before playing this game. Make a big bowl of spaghetti and fill it with all kinds of items, like plastic bugs, gummy worms and other items that might feel a bit strange. Make the children feel around in the bowl of spaghetti and identify the items they feel. Once they are done and cleaned up, have them list as many items as they can remember. Whoever gets the most items listed (and right) gets a prize. Spaghetti, anyone?

Another similar game that's always popular is to take a cardboard box and paint it black, both the inside and outside. Carve a small hole in the top, really just large enough for the children to get their hands into, and fill the box with a variety of items. They can be related to Halloween (like a small pumpkin) or not (wrapped Tootsie rolls or a tiny toy Hummer car). Have the children guess what's inside the box and award the box itself to the child who guesses the most number of items correctly. To make this goopy and silly, be sure to include some items that might feel like body parts or brain matter.

Kids love creating silly fictional stories, often with absurd plotlines. Halloween is the optimum time to let them run wild with their imaginations. Have them spend a bit of time writing out the scariest story they can think of. Some children might need some direction not to make it ridiculously grotesque, so use caution with these children in your clarification of this assignment. Once the stories are written, have the children hand them in and then have a guest reader for each one of them. Each child will come to the front of the class and read the story with as much dramatization as they can muster. Once the story is read, everyone has to guess who wrote the story. The writer should play along, otherwise everyone will know it was their story! The winner is the child who wrote a story so intriguing and unusual that nobody knew it was his or hers!



Kids love the word find games when you give them a word or words relating to a holiday or something else and have them find words within those words. In this case, give them Halloween-related words and ask them to find as many scary words as they can. For example, you might give them the word "Halloween" and see how many scary words they can make from the letters. Or you could give them a series of words and let them rearrange the letters in all of the words to create scary words, or even create a story from the scary words. Put a time limit on this game and award a prize for the child who creates the most words in the least amount of time.

One Baby Bash Coming Up!!!!

Birthdays are one of the most important events in our lives. This day signifies our arrival in the world and the celebration of it is a commemmoration of that first time we've ever came into the world. Most especially for our precious baby.

Here are some tips to get that baby bash on the roll and be the talk of the baby land for a week or so. One, preparation of the baby bash is extremely important! Create a theme that you would like to follow. Would you like your baby bash to be a sci-fi adventure? Or would you want your baby bash to be a costume party? Or rent even an amusement park complete with the merry-go-round and a clown or two. Whatever you decide, the baby bash needs to be well-thought of to keep it organized as well as the safety of the guests can be assured.

The baby bash depends on the age of the baby. For one year olds, clowns would do so that he or she can facilitate the party since the most important guests would be the little children. Magic shows and puppetry would be sufficient to keep the children interested and satisfied. While for two years old and older, since by this time, they are already mobile and have learned to walk, a costume party or an amusement park theme would be the solution to keep the kids happy. Balloons to keep them preoccupied, cotton candy to keep them busy and lots and lots of kiddie food.

Second, sending out the invites. It seems that babies are conversational pieces. Thus, your network of friends increase since you meet other moms and dads who have babies near your baby's age group. They can become your buddies, swapping babysitting time when you need to unwind and relax. Their kids are your guests in the baby bash and not the parents. Thus, the baby bash must be geared towards the kid's enjoyment.

Third, preparation of the food. Since this is a kiddie party, finger foods should comprise most of your menu. Kids easily tire of food and so small portions must be served at them. If possible, separate the food of the parents with the kids, if the parents were invited.

Sometimes, a baby bash becomes an adult get-together when there are no other babies that could be invited.

Whatever you have decided what the baby bash must be like, keep in mind that the baby's comfort is more important. Sometimes, there are babies who are afraid of clowns. You must have an alternative activity in mind in case this happens.

Fourth, post baby bash activities. After all the food, the favors and trimmings gone, it is time to clean up. The most convenient way to finish all the food left is to ask mothers to take home a portion of the food served. This not only minimizes food spoilage, it would also keep the kids occupied during the drive home, in case they start asking for food. Because there are kids who play all throughout the party and do not pay attention to the food. But once they have settled down, usually during the ride home, then they start to feel hunger pangs. Thus, you would be helping parents keep the kids behaved during the ride home.

Then baby bash need not be a strenuous and nerve-racking activity that moms would rather not plan for. It could also be enjoyable for the parents as well.

The Way with Baby Names

Choosing a baby name for your child is almost like choosing his identity. Ever heard about the association of a person’s name with his personality? That’s how our names really work. A name molds a person’s identity like a cookie-cutter. So, better get that best baby name for your son or daughter. Read on for some tips on how to provide that best baby name for your little angel.

1. Stop it already with the dictates of your family’s tradition. Choosing the right baby name does not have to always rely on what your elderly relatives deem to be the best baby name. It is your baby’s name, not theirs. So, better act like it. Once your baby is born he will be stuck with that baby name for life. That means it’s not wise to just settle for any baby name that will suit your grandma’s or auntie’s taste.

2. Take a look of a picture of his future. You don’t want your baby to be always called with a monicker that will forever ridicule him or will allow his playmates to make a big laughingstock out of him, right? Research about the meaning of the baby name you are eyeing to give to your baby. Don’t consider Beelzebub as a prospective baby name just because you heard it from a TV show and you find it cute. Don’t use Rodelfa just because a certain Mexican TV show’s hunky lead actor is called Rodolfo. Just plainly saying yes to your gutfeel, thinking of the people that pops into your head upon hearing somebody spout a certain name, trying to follow a fad by naming your baby a certain celebrity’s (sometimes notorious) or NOT THINKING AT ALL in giving your precious one his or her baby name are huge no-nos!

3. Consider reading the initials of the baby name you are planning to give your baby. Make sure they don’t stand for anything funny, disturbing or something utterly stupid. Christine Sue Irving? What will happen on the next episode? Alvin Stephen Stuart? He’ll surely remember not to get near any hole. Fran Ursula Catherine Klein? Uh-oh! See? Can you imagine the sickening situation you may put your child into when he or she grows up?

4. Go check your family tree once and for all. Some can’t still get away from some traditions regarding baby name decisions, especially when they have a special bond with a certain family member that they want that person’s name to be a part of their baby’s name. If your planning to still follow the tradition of putting a part of your elder relatives’ names on your baby’s name, you have to know whether anybody else in your family use that name too. You don’t want to confuse people when they’re calling a name that’s owned by two. Ask around.

5. Don’t go for the overkill. Being too creative on thinking of a baby name can backfire, I’m telling you. Examples are too unique spellings. It will be hard for the kid to keep on spelling his or her name to people who only know the common spelling of such name.

6. Decide with your partner in coming up with the best baby name for your sweet baby. It wouldn’t be nice to be always blamed when people ask who chose that awful baby name, right? Okay, kidding aside. Sharing on this kind of decision-making is a good way of furthering your bond as a couple, not to mention the possibility of coming up with a better baby name. Remember that the “two heads are better than one” thought also applies to dealing with the troubles of finding the most suitable baby name for your baby.

Sound, appeasing relatives and friends and avoiding embarrassing initials and discovery of disgusting meanings are some of the major concerns that should be considered in your quest for the perfect baby name. You might find them a bit taxing. But in the long run, you’ll see that doing your homework will make your baby thank you when the right time comes. Happy baby naming!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Valentines Day Activites For Families

It's important for families to show their love for one another, so what better time than Valentine's Day to play some game, engage in some fun activities, all designed to show each other love and support?

One fun activity is all about giving each other "snaps" for being who they are. Over the course of the year, mom and dad, and the kids as well, can add "snaps" to a special jar or containers. These "snaps" might include things like "dad helped me build my pinewood derby car" or "Joey read books to his sister each night without complaint". Read these little slips of good things, thank each other for caring and empty the jar to start it again for another year.

At dinner on Valentine's night, have each family member tell others why they love them. What about dad made mom love him? Why does Joey love his sister? What about sissy is special to dad? It might seem a little corny at first, but in the end, everyone will enjoy hearing wonderful, positive things about themselves.

One fun family game involves family trivia. This game is particularly fun if the children are a bit older and there are at least 2 children in the family. Mom (or dad) creates a trivia game that looks something like this: there will be a series of index cards with a bit of family trivia on each card. Someone draws a card and tries to answer the question correctly. If correct, they get a point. The person with the most points at the end of the game gets a prize or extra chocolate syrup on their dessert. Some questions might be things like this:

*Which one of us suffered a broken leg at the age of 8?

*Which of us, at the age of 3, flushed an entire box of Tide down the toilet?

*Which of us snuck into mom and dad's room every night until he or she was 6 years old?

At a certain age, children begin to enjoy preparing meals for mom and dad. For a fun Valentine's activity, the children could be asked to prepare a meal for mom and dad. Ideally, this would be breakfast in bed and could include foods that are traditional "romantic" foods (like strawberries and chocolate) or whatever the kids want to make. They might even like to prepare a special Valentine's Day menu and let mom and dad choose off the menu. This would be a fun tradition to start as an annual event on Valentine's Day.

Consider a fun family game of "hidden hearts". In this game, children are given clues to find chocolate hearts hidden around the house. The clues can be easy or more complicated to figure out depending on the ages of the children. If one or more children are very young, mom and dad can help them with the clues. When they find the hearts, they can eat them, but mom or dad, remember where you hid the hearts and be sure to count how many are found, so there aren't any left to get ugly in the house!

Finally, a fun family activity around Valentine's Day is to make cards for other people. Have the kids make handprint cards for the grandparents or have the kids make cards for their friends. Handmade cards can be so much more meaningful than the store-bought kind and kids learn a lot from the experience of putting their hearts (literally) into making the card for others.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Valentines Day Game Ideas For Adults

Planning an adult Valentine's Day party is a bit of a no-brainer. Invite a lot of couples, have a few drinks, decorate with red. Done, right? Yes, and no. You want to put a little more thought into it than that and it's good to have some games to keep things lively. If you are inviting several couples, there are many fun activities you can plan.

First, how about the "what's this item" game? Fill a paper bag with a variety of new undergarments. These should be both men's and women's garments and can include anything from a bra to a lace teddy to a jock strap. Each couple feels around in the bag (not on the outside, as this one requires hands-on effort) and makes a list of what they think is in the bag. You can tell people how many items are in the bag, but that's it. So you might say, there are 10 items in the bag; what are they?

Once all the lists are made, pour the bag's contents out on a table. Let everyone go through the items and see who has the most number of items right. The winning couple gets, you guessed it, the bag of goodies.




You can create a drinking game at the party that requires you take a drink whenever someone kisses you. The kiss can be from the other gender or the same sex, and anytime anyone kisses you anywhere, you have to take a drink or your drink, or to really get things going, from a shot glass.

Create a dartboard with balloons. Cut cardboard into a heart shape and staple red balloons (inflated) to the dartboard and let people take a shot at breaking a heart. Be sure to have plenty of inflated balloons on hand to replace the ones that get broken.

If your party involves a meal, make it a potluck and make it interesting. Tell everyone that the food they bring must be red. Whatever it is, it must be red. This can create some interesting dishes. Certainly, someone can bring lasagna or someone else can bring red velvet cake. And you'll always get someone who takes this opportunity to make jello. What about a salad? That must be radicchio. Or someone could bring strawberries for desert. Assign someone the task of bringing the bread and see what happens.

For a little fun event, consider a scavenger hunt where your guests must head out into the neighborhood or on the town for many Valentine's Day items. Your list might include things like: a bag of Hershey's Kisses, a red heart-shaped Mylar balloon, one red rose, a stuffed Cupid, or a kid's Valentine card. You can send the couples out as teams, or pit the men against the women. Be sure to include something that requires photo proof, like "kiss one stranger on the arm" or "give love advice to a complete stranger".

If your partygoers all know each other well, it's OK to play a simple game of "truth or dare". You might impose rules on the game, such as all the "truth" questions must originate from the college years (particularly fun if this group of friends met in college) or must be about the current spouse. Keep the "dare" challenges clean if you think your group would prefer that or by all means, keep them racy, if that's fun too.

4th of July games

If you're hosting a 4th of July party, there are hours and hours to fill before the highlight events of the day begin - the fireworks. You'll want to have plenty of activities and games planned to keep everyone busy and entertained.

There are a variety of games you can plan that have a patriotic theme.



Balloon pass - This game involves relaying a balloon down a line of people. Use balloons that are red, white and blue and tell the participants they will be using their hands and their legs to pass the balloon down the line. Create two teams of people, and line them up in straight lines. Give the first person a balloon and tell them to put it between their legs, passing the balloon to the next person in line with their legs only. That person will take the balloon and pass it to the next person by putting it over their head. That third person will put the balloon between their legs and pass to the next person like that. The game continues until the balloon has passed all the way down the line. If you have a small group, require that the balloon get passed down the line and back again before declaring a winner.

Chalk it up - Pick a panel of judges (the oldest members of the family are the obvious picks) and have them become the official judges for a chalk contest. Break your guests into two teams (or more, depending on how many people are at the party) and give them each one or two containers of sidewalk chalk. Tell them to create a sidewalk picture that shows something patriotic, and tell them the flag must be included in the picture. Give them a time limit (depending on your group, this time limit might range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes) and then have the judges declare a winner after they have carefully examined all the artwork. You could have art-themed prizes for the winners.

Parade - One fun 4th of July activity that just screams "4th of July!" is a parade with decorated bikes, scooters and the like. Ask everyone who comes to the party to decorate their bike or scooter or other item in patriotic garb. You can have people bring them to the party already decorated and have a contest for "best bike", etc., but also fun is to have a decorating party within the party. Have all the items on hand to decorate the bikes and scooters and skateboards. You might have streamers, banners, flags, and ribbons. The children and adults can decorate their bikes and scooters as a party activity.

Guessing Game - These games are always popular for just about any occasion. Fill a large jar with peppermint candy (the red and white striped kind) and decorate it with blue and red ribbon. Have people guess how many candies are in the jar (which of course means you count as you place the candies in the jar). The winner, or the person who comes closest to the number without going over, gets the jar of candy.

Fireworks - If you're having fireworks at your home, you might have a big box of assorted fireworks. Everyone has their personal favorites and people might have clear ideas of what they want to see and hear. You can play a game to determine who gets to pick the next firework to go off next. You might ask trivia questions (why are there 13 stars on the flag?). Or you can have a dance off. While music plays in the background, each person who really wants to pick the next firework to go off has to dance the craziest, silliest dance they can come up with. Someone who's been designated a judge will decide who won the dance off and that person gets to pick the next fireworks item. Unless there are more fireworks than people, each person only gets to pick once.

The best baby gift ever is just a click away!

Tired of searching for that perfect baby gift for someone special? Fear no more! Here is the rundown on where and how to have the most perfect baby gift of all time. As I have searched the world wide web for the best sites that would answer my need, here are the more user-friendly sites that I find to give the best baby gift ideas around.

As with Linus in Peanuts, a baby blanket is a perfect baby shower gift to give that is full of love and thoughtfulness. Having it personalized is even nicer. For those with more formal tastes and preferences, monogrammed baby linen would give that sense of tradition. While those with eclectic tastes and full of adventurous spirit, baby shower gift baskets, wall art for the nursery room, personalized baby gift items are just some of the baby gift ideas that you could give. Each baby gift suggestion can be found in where they give a fine description to each item.

Baby gift baskets come in all shapes and sizes and they speak of your thoughtfulness for putting it all together. Baby gift baskets are so unique because you can personalize it, make it blue or a pink basket depending on the gender of the baby, you can make a gourmet basket, or a food baby basket or even a baby bath gift basket. There are a lot of ideas you can think of to make it a unique baby gift.

Another good site that you can visit is where they list all the possible things and other necessary equipment that the baby might possibly need. This site narrows down your choices since it would constrain you to search for items that are within your budget for those budget conscious spenders. Each item is under a heading such as clothing, nursery, bedding, meal time, play time, keepsake, jewelry and other items. If you have the funds, why not start the baby in a starter savings account? The receiving parents would surely appreciate this baby gift that would start their baby in his or her million dollar goal at 12 years old!

A click at for those who are into the environment or into organic stuff suggest some baby gift ideas you can give as they are easy to make since the materials used are very accessible in stores and groceries.

Visit to find an extensive choice of baby gift stuff that you can never go wrong with. Its product index extends to more than two pages to view all of its offering so there are a lot of items to choose from.

Baby gifts are the best when the gift-giver poured love and attention to give that very special baby gift. It is not that difficult to look and search for baby gifts as some would think. It is just a matter of creativity and time to think what the baby might need or use in the future. There are other web sites and web links that you can visit and find other good ideas for that perfect baby gift to give away. There are also web blogs of parents that provide not only gift ideas but other concerns regarding on how to take care of your baby better.

Valentines Day Party Games For Elementary Kids

If you are planning a Valentine's Day party for children, games are essential. Here are some games appropriate for the elementary-age crowd.

Bring in two large stuffed hearts (either pillows or just plush stuffed hearts). Divide the kids into two teams and tell them they must run to the finish line with the heart between their legs. So they won't run as much as stumbled forth. Once they return to the group, they should take the heart and give it to the next child, who puts it between their legs and so on. Whichever group finishes the entire relay first wins.

Give the children a couple rolls of toilet paper and instruct them to wrap another child mummy style. This is a popular game at Halloween, but in this case they are wrapping a present. Divide the kids into two teams and time them. The team that finishes first, wins, and gets to put a big red bow on their "package".

Help elementary students remember some of the great couples by having them complete the match to a famous other half. For example, if you say "Romeo" their answer would be "Juliet" (hopefully). To play this game, divide the kids into two groups and give each a buzzer or similar type item. Present the famous start of the pair. You might say, "peanut butter" and if one of the teams knows the match is "jelly" they will buzz in with their answer.

Some other options are:

"Eggs and (bacon)"

"Coffee and (sugar or cream is OK here)"

"Cinderella and (Prince Charming)"

"Cookies and (milk)"

Kids love those little Valentine's candy conversation hearts available everywhere around Valentine's Day. Create a heart-stacking contest, which is a lot of fun and can create some team spirit. Initially, each child will get many hearts. Plan to have a few bags on hand if you are doing this game with a classroom full of kids. Have them build as high as they can with the hearts within in a given period of time (30 seconds to a minute is plenty). If their contraption falls, they are out. Keep playing the game over and over again until you are down to two final contestants. Have everyone cheer him or her on as they try to build the highest (and longest lasting) tower of hearts. Be sure to have a prize for the winning architect.

This game is always a hit with kids because what kid doesn't love a good balloon? Give each child a balloon (not inflated) and have him or her blow it up. Have a target somewhere in the room, and in this case a big heart will do, and have them let go of their (untied) balloon in the direction of the target. Whoever gets their balloon the closest to the target gets a prize. If someone gets a direct hit, that's two prizes. Keep the target on the ground to make this game easier. Based on the ages and abilities of the kids in the group, you can have them stand close or somewhat far away from the target when they let their balloon go.

All kids love a good game of Bingo. For a seated game that might help the kids rest for a minute, play a game of Valentine's Day-themed bingo. The bingo squares might have pictures on them like hearts, flowers, cupid, arrows and the like. Be sure to have a prize for the winner, and play the game over and over so the kids can all have a turn at winning.

To make everyone happy on this day of love, play a game of "throwing the smile". Sit everyone in a circle and have one person smile wildly at the rest of the group. Everyone else must sit as stone-faced as possible. Then the person smiling dramatically wipes the smile off their face (by literally using their hand over their mouth in a swiping motion) and "throws" the smile to the next person in the circle. That person puts the smile on, and again makes a wild, silly smile at the group, then wipes it off and moves on. As soon as someone smirks or smiles that is not supposed to be smiling at that moment, they are out. It's harder than it sounds and kids often end up in gales of laughter, even when they're trying to be serious.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Right Choice of Maxi Dresses for All Occasions

Comfortable, stylish and trendy. This is how a girl would describe a maxi dress when asked. Initially women used to think that maxi dresses are worn only at a particular time but with the addition of more prints, colors and designs these dresses can now be worn at almost every occasion. Be it a date with your soul mate or an evening with friends, these dresses would certainly suit your personality.
Most of the people would still be doubtful about wearing a maxi dress to any of the occasions. If you think that these dresses are a not a good choice to wear them for a wedding, then think again. These dresses if worn with finer fabrics like silk or satin look perfect at the wedding. Make sure to select the right color. If you select whites or creams then you are surely going to be to one of the lucky one from the bride's end. Floral is also a good choice as it looks more traditional. Plain fabrics which have a floaty style is also not a bad choice. Wearing sandals and putting on a hat would certainly make your attire a complete one.
Depending upon the color, fabric and design of your maxi dress, you can choose the right kind of footwear which would suit in the best possible manner with your dress. Also the kind of jewelry which you wish to wear with your dress should match accordingly with the design and print of your dress. Most of the women would think that wearing this dress in an office would be not professional. But if you stick on to a few things then you can look extremely pretty and professional at the same point of time. You should stick to plain fabrics which do not have loud colors on them. Also make sure that the pattern of these dresses is also not very fancy. Take care if your dress is sleeveless. You can put on a cardigan or a smart blazer to cover the exposed part of your arms which would give you a professional look too.
Halter neck and strapless dresses should be left home for parties over the weekend rather them wearing in an office. In an office, there are usually dress codes. Depending upon them you can make the right selection for yourself. If you have plans for having a couple of drinks with your friends after office, then you can change your look in the same dress by adding on some accessories and messing up your hair and hit the pub for a blast.

Staying Cute This Summer With a Vintage Maxi Dress

Stay cute and sexy this spring session with a vintage maxi dress. It's easy to wear and most of the times you don't even need to iron it. Vintage dresses come in lots of expressive prints. Summer dresses are easy to make also. This would be a great budget cutting activity. During this crazy time in the economy it's very important to find budget friendly activities that agree with your saving plan. Stay-cations are also good for saving money. These are vacations that are taken close to home so that you save money on flights and expensive hotels. Also the price of gas always increases during the summer because that's when people travel the most. Stay on top of your finances and the cutest styles with creating your very own vintage maxi dress.
Making a vintage maxi dress can be a great way to pass time in the summer. All you need to do is go into your favorite fabric store and find a sowing pattern for a summer dress or something that look similar to it. This project is great for first timers or even experienced seamstresses. This would be a great way to express yourself this summer as well as staying in tuned with the trends. No matter what as a girl you must be cute.
A pattern for the vintage maxi dress is very simple and doesn't require much sowing or cutting depending on the type you select. One of the hardest things with this project would be selecting your favorite print. When looking through rows and rows of fabrics you can get very inspired and excited. There will lots of different styles and textures of fabric to select from. If you are a first timer you may want to select a fabric that isn't very expensive just incase you make a mistake.

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